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Welcome to the home page. Phear

Its been a while since i've updated but i did today.  From now on i'll keep a log on my updates cuz frankly i havent been doing much with this webspace until now.  Check every week for picture updates. I'll try to make 2 or 3 at the least that way things dont run stagnant.

                                                                        ~ Webmaster Phatmonkey



Maybe it'sd just me but some how this fits in with the web page decorum. 

I've added pictures here and stuff so yah, check them out

Hello to John, Kelly Belly, Nekochan, Alain Cricket, Ophelia, Brain, Phillip, Anthony, The crew at the Island Closest to Heaven, anyone who i've missed, and all those who dare to enter this bastardized entity of a website.

Webmaster's Email


Good grief....why did i bother to create this crap....?

ok maybe not.....